I really need to be getting to sleep. Church is earlier than usual tomorrow.
I realize that I often don't know exactly what I am writing about on this blog.
(Kudos by the way to my past self for keeping the secret of who I was obsessed with in May so well. I have NO CLUE who it was I was talking about a couple entries ago. It makes me laugh that I kept a secret so well from myself.)
Other times I am actually, dare I say it, impressed with the mindless dribble that sometimes (ill-frequently (eh?)) makes it's way past the blockage of uncreative ear wax. (Nice comparison, no? I imagine creative thoughts creeping through the brain and dripping out the ear. Is that logical?)
I don't often impress myself. I feel that I am mediocre/modestly passable in most aspects (a few being spelling, grammar, math, getting things done on time, life, etc.). Writing also makes that list. At least most of the writing that makes it's way past the afore mentioned ear wax. (Maybe creative thoughts make their way out through fingertips. Flowing like magic. Like on Willow. The power to control the universe is in your own finger...)
Every once in a while I am able to look past normalcy and mediocrity and make my way to a sort of modest creativity.
I think I am okay with that. I know I will never be a great author. The least I can do is write for my own entertainment. For it is in characters of our creating that we can live as we have always wished. In great adventure, romance, and tragedy. These are the things our mundane lives crave. Yet we cringe to experience them in any kind of reality. So that is why we give these experiences to characters.
Let us all who place ourselves in the creative genre hope never to write unless we know those we are writing whether they be real or fictional.
I think that soon, the creative thoughts that flow out of these fingers (yes I do like that imagery better than the ear wax) will soon be incoherent. So I bid thee farewell on this cold December night and hope that the time between this post and the next will be nowhere near as long as the stretch between this one and the last.
Good eve'n.
What it Is
I have proven myself a failure at being consistent. Methinks this should be a place for me. Maybe not the collected me that makes sense. More like the me that likes to be. To wonder, to plan, to think, to understand. I want to write everyday. It is my hope that this is the blog that will facilitate that goal.
I dont make any promises. You could still call this my creative blog. But I'd like to think of it more as the debris that is left behind after all the normal thoughts blow through my consciousness.
Don't expect it to always make sense or be worth your time. I think the main goal if for it to be my sanity.
I dont make any promises. You could still call this my creative blog. But I'd like to think of it more as the debris that is left behind after all the normal thoughts blow through my consciousness.
Don't expect it to always make sense or be worth your time. I think the main goal if for it to be my sanity.
Mottled Light
the way my mind feels sometimes, waiting for a breakthrough.
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