What it Is

I have proven myself a failure at being consistent. Methinks this should be a place for me. Maybe not the collected me that makes sense. More like the me that likes to be. To wonder, to plan, to think, to understand. I want to write everyday. It is my hope that this is the blog that will facilitate that goal.

I dont make any promises. You could still call this my creative blog. But I'd like to think of it more as the debris that is left behind after all the normal thoughts blow through my consciousness.

Don't expect it to always make sense or be worth your time. I think the main goal if for it to be my sanity.

Mottled Light

Mottled Light
the way my mind feels sometimes, waiting for a breakthrough.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Entry Eighteen

Well, it's been over three months since I last visited this blog. My apologies. But since my reader base for this little site of creative nonsense is rsignificantly smaller than my weekly blog, I feel only a small amout of guilt.
I'm not sure if you know what it's like to have a breakthrough. I find that I often fall into the dull nothingness of writing for writings sake. I have problems getting content worth anything out of the recesses of my brain. It's like a dull match being struck time and time again against a worn down surface. All you get is that sulfur smell and frustation. Suddenly for no apparent reason, you stirke one last time and there is a flare of light. Now I'm trying to light a fire with the kindling that is the weak content of my story, trying to get a blaze started before my match reaches it's end.
I have been trying to mold Bus Stories into something more than just girl randomly on a bus with a bunch of people and they al happen to be going the same place on said bus. It could be a good idea on it's own. But I was getting ready for bed and my match lit. Leave it to a good idea to pop up when you are fluffing your pillow and getting out your scriptures. Your mind can't rest until you've got it down so you don't forget it.
Unfortunatly for those of you who do read this, my breakthrough cannot be shared. I don't want too many people catching sight of my fire too soon. It would make the fireworks at the end much less exciting. Sorry, enough with the fire analogy. The point is, I hope to crank out some writing worthy of a post soon. The irony is that now with all these new ideas in my head I have no idea where to start. With new ideas come new questions and back stories and new problems that I have to work through. Hang in there my small group of followers. If I can just get my brain into gear, I predict that this story will not dissappoint.
-Sarah "trying to be a god writer" Lambson